Available volunteers are listed according to the issues or problems they have experienced. Privacy is protected by using an ID number, not a name. We recommend you choose a volunteer who lists experience with issues that are similar to or identical to your own.

No. This is an all-volunteer program. We are here to support you through your challenges, and not to replace paid therapy or other professional counseling services.

Your participation in the program and the confidentiality of any information disclosed to a peer support volunteer is governed by Rule 7-302 which states that all such information shall be maintained in confidence, subject to mandatory and harm-related exceptions.

The length of your participation in Lawyers Helping Lawyers is 100% up to you and your volunteer to decide. You do not need to make that choice right away, in fact. Take as much, or as little, time as you need together.

Sometimes one volunteer and participant are not a good fit, and you are welcome to change your volunteer. Additionally, there are situations where professional therapy or counseling are a better option. You are ultimately in control of how much help you desire and what form that help should take for your own wellbeing. You are also welcome to use additional services of Georgia Bar’s Lawyer Assistance Program